The Experience Edge offers in-person and technology-based consulting and mentoring. Below is a sample of the services offered.
Please note that individual, customized, and combined services are available. Please contact us to discuss your unique goals and challenges so that we can work together to find a solution.
Parent Education Parents are one of the most important factors when it comes to youth sports. Studies have shown that parent behavior is a reason why athletes quit or do not want to play sports. We have seen firsthand the positive and negative impact parents can have on athletes. Creating a healthy environment and being a productive part of the athletes sports life is key. Most families are navigating youth sports for the first time, and we work with parents to create the ideal environment and to avoid common mistakes that can lead to stress and conflict.
Goal Alignment During any athlete’s journey through the sports world, maximum enjoyment and productivity requires that the athlete and those supporting them are on the same page. TEE works to define realistic goals to which everyone can commit. We also communicate and provide updates regularly to reaffirm or redefine goals, provide a clear direction for progress, and reduce the likelihood of conflicts.
Conflict Resolution TEE has often observed a disconnect between athletes and their support systems regarding the athlete’s goals, leading to constant tension and long-term resentment for everyone. TEE works with the athlete and family to develop clear goals for one unified vision. But if conflicts arise, we provide solutions that ultimately serve the best interest of the athlete.
Scheduling for Training and Competition For many athletes and their families, creating the right schedule is one of the most daunting aspects of youth sports. An appropriate balance of training, competition, and rest is key to creating sustainable, long-term athletic development. TEE believes in quality over quantity. When developing schedules for individual athletes, TEE’s goal is to enhance enjoyment, productivity, and to maintain a healthy connection between training and competition. Our goal is to eliminate the stress from this process by providing clear guidance and experienced advice based on the individual needs of the athlete.
At the Experience Edge, we are staunch advocates of mental training. Athletes spend countless hours working on technique and physical conditioning, but many spend little to no time on mental training. Training the mind is a critical part of athletic development and TEE has seen the positive results and numerous benefits of mental coaching. We create a team approach by using the experience of players and mental coaches to provide actionable techniques that can be incorporated into sport and life. We believe the combination of playing experience and research based approaches provides a complete package for athletes.
Transition Guidance An athlete can move through several stages in his or her career. Whether you are a professional or youth athlete, preparation and clear goal setting are key to successfully making the move to the next phase in your life. TEE can prepare you for and guide you through the transition from:
• High school to college sports
• College to professional sports
• Life after a career-ending injury
Life After Competition When a competitive athlete stops competing, it can leave a void behind. After committing the majority of their lives to a sport, athletes may feel they have lost their drive, purpose, and community. TEE works with athletes to create solutions to overcome this loss and maintain sports in a healthy and sustainable way.
Dealing with Injury Injuries are a frequent cost of playing sports and can constitute the biggest challenge of an athlete’s career. TEE’s founder has significant experience responding to minor injuries, chronic pain, career-ending injuries, injuries requiring major surgery, and everything in between. Medical care can heal the injury, but often the mental aspect of an injury is overlooked. TEE will coach and assist athletes to navigate through this difficult time.
Young athletes are quitting sports at an alarming rate. The over-emphasis on enrolling youth in one sport with the goal of going pro or playing in college is having a major impact on youth sports, including increased rates of burnout, injuries, stress, and anxiety among young athletes. TEE believes that athletes can enjoy sports and play at an elite level. In fact, at TEE, we believe athletes are more likely to maximize their potential by focusing on fun, athletic development and having a balanced sport-life schedule. We work with the athlete and family to focus on the most important aspects of life and sport to avoid burnout and its consequences.
TEE has worked with hundreds of adults who play tennis at the amateur level. Each athlete – ranging from nationally ranked to club level – dedicates a significant amount of valuable time to the sport they love. Adult athletes who have hit a plateau or need guidance regarding their schedule can benefit from establishing a clear and organized strategy to achieve their goals. Athletes learn how to avoid overuse injuries and how to be more cost-effective and time-efficient.