The Experience Edge philosophy is based on the idea that a lifetime of athletic pursuits grounded in a true love of sports can be achieved by combining four fundamental elements:


Enjoyment should be the number one goal for all athletes. Athletes who want to play their sport do so passionately, are motivated to put in extra effort, and perform with purpose. Lack of enjoyment is the main reason athletic development stalls and that athletes quit sports. Every decision made must prioritize this enjoyment. Creating a fun, positive environment where athletes can develop and meet their potential should be a standard practice in sports. The best coaches are able to make the work fun.


TEE firmly believes that total athletic development is a vital part of an athlete’s long-term success and happiness with sports. Total athletic development means developing diverse skill sets by playing multiple sports and participating in non-athletic activities to stimulate strategic intelligence, critical thinking, and creative problem solving. In turn, total athletic development helps avoid burnout and reduces the likelihood of injuries.


Sport provides many lessons for life. We believe in developing the athlete as a person first and foremost, so athletes can grow and excel in all areas of their lives.


Critical to TEE’s philosophy is the idea that the athlete must have a voice in their sports life. TEE puts the athlete first. We work to amplify their voices by acting as an independent advocate that focuses on the best interest of the athlete and empowers them to express their goals and objectives.


When these four fundamental elements come together, it creates a love of sports that can last for a lifetime. The health benefits of sports for the body and mind are plentiful. Having an emotionally positive connection with sports ensures a lifetime of activity and mental engagement.